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Experimental Plan "Canale Novissimo abbandonato"

Desing 1999; realization and 2003, monitoring 2007 Were
Lagoon of Venice, Chioggia Municipality (VE)
Experimental semi-natural surface-water treatment wetland realised in a lowland delta reclaimed area currently below the sea level using an abandoned channel parallel to the Brenta river
Final Client
Ministero delle Infrastrutture ed i Trasporti - Magistrato alle Acque di Venezia -Consorzio Venezia Nuova Sum total Euro 2.607.766,94 + 602.029,77
Activities and duties
 - preliminary and final design of the plant and the monitoring plan (excluded: earthworks, hydraulic structural parameters; automatic systems for the system hydraulic control).
- Monitoring scientific responsiblity.
Project characteristics
The project was funded by the Venice Water Authority (Ministero Infrastrutture e Trasporti) to verify the pollution (agricultural – urban) control capacity of semi-natural surface water wetland for the Venice safeguard.
The Veneto Region plan to prevent pollution and promote the reclaiming of the watershed of the Venice Lagoon (Piano Direttore 2000) confirmed the necessity to realise treatment wetlands nearby the inflow areas. The abatement capacity of these systems is based on estimates that need local validation and calibration. The experimental plant was realised to answer to these needs and the monitoring gave practical results even from the ecological or the socio-economic perspectives, an in particular on: effectiveness and efficiency of the different possible designing solutions in the Venice of Lagoon Watershed; evolutionary pattern of the ecosystem realised; abatement effectiveness and efficiency of the different possible designing solutions; definition of the stabilization period for the different design solution tested; definition of the nutrient ecological cycles; definition of the metals ecological cycles; economic values of the plant in terms of competitiveness compared to traditional wastewater-treatment plants and in terms of non market ecosystem services stated values. implementation of the filed hydraulic budget estimation procedures and definition of corrected model for the estimation of wetlands ETP in this area; estimation of the contribute of the designed wetlands to biodiversity; estimation of A First order Areal model to transfer the results in other plants.